Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Learning to Love Again... Love Yourself, That Is

Ever think about your inner child? Ever REEEEALLY think about your inner child?
It's weird to actually try. I kind of forgot she existed, but she was controlling me. How does this happen?

Children usually look for approval in others. You want to be accepted, and when you're not, you loose a little bit of love for yourself. If life knocks you down enough, you may find that you left yourself unloved by the most important person in your life, YOU.

My inner child was sad and broken and literally tried EVERYTHING she could to feel accepted and loved again. She joined a sorority. She studies SO much more than she ever has. She works out, eats right. It sounds like she's doing all the right things right? She's just been going about it the wrong way and doing it for all the wrong reasons.

Other people can't control your own happiness. Boys certainly will NOT control your happiness. Most of them are not stable enough themselves to be given such a large responsibility. When we let others have control of something so important, we're just asking for an emotional roller-coaster. Love, love as much as you want, just make sure you come first.

The first time I ever got high, I came home afterwards and fell asleep hugging myself. It was the first time I remembered to take the time to show myself some affection. Tonight, I hope to do the same. I'm going to go to bed hugging myself. In the morning, I'm going to put on something that makes me feel FABULOUS. I'm going to work on self-affirmation.

No matter what happens. No matter where I am on this earth. No matter who is with me or not with me. No matter what condition I'm living under. I can be strong, because I love myself. I can move mountains.

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